We are a representative organization. Engaging with Catholic teachers, and acting on their behalf, is at the heart of what we do.
Our key areas of support are:
Collective bargaining and contract management
Member counselling and legal support
Lobbying, advocacy, and public relations
Professional development and leadership training
The objectives of our Association, as outlined in our Constitution, are to:
Promote the principles of Catholic education
Develop a greater understanding among parents, teachers, and students
Work for the moral, intellectual, religious, and professional growth or our members
Improve the status of the teaching profession in Ontario
Secure for teachers a leading role in education
Co-operate with other teacher organizations in improving the standards of education
Defend and promote the constitutional rights of the Catholic school system in Ontario and the fair and equitable funding for all publicly funded school boards
Represent members in all matters related to collective bargaining
Promote the protection of members under the Ontario Human Rights Code
Catholic Teachers’ Association